Nevin gave a nod, the lightning cackling in his fist as he shot off. His blades struck the leg, an explosion erupting as it hit. While his blades barely cut the skin of the beast, he at least managed to push it a bit against the rock bridge. He didn't stay in one place for long, though, shooting back into the air and slamming down once more into its back, trying to shove it to its belly, hoping to give Abel and Amalger and easier target. Using his connection, he understood the plan the boy had been told. Also, using the connection, though, he related an adjustment to that plan. Aurelia's cannon shot could be enough to stun it momentarily, if not weaken the plating on its face even more. “Enyo! Blind it again!” He twisted as he jumped, shooting into the air with lightning as he clear off its back and dropped again by the Basilisk's right foot. This time, though, he pulled out a small gem from the pouch at his waist, the orb shimmering blue. He tossed it ahead of himself, swinging out with his blade to slice it open. The gem's Dust shot forth, ice striking the Basilisk's leg and freezing it solid. Unlike most results concerning Dust, his sword was untouched, another added benefit of his gifted weapons. Unes and Duo would be able to handle any side effects from Dust related magic due to the enchantments placed upon the blade. Not only that, they could use the Dust for their own attacks quite nicely in this state. Before a retaliation could come, he shot back, leaving an opening for his allies to strike at it.