I find rps about, for example,\a family of sea turtles/, that live in dah sea and whatnot, normal average whatever, they don't speak English and communicate through ... Clicks? Turtles was a bad example. Anywho, they go about their daily lives then BOOM ADD SUPERPOWERS, THE TURTLES ARE NOW TECHNO DUBSTEP WARRIORS FROM THE DEPTHS OF XEFRUN. I am using turtles as an example, as I've stated. This honestly goes for most animals. Now it's cool, whatever, when you have some for of set up to make it this way, but just RANDOMLY saying *this is the norm* without much explanation. Any who, that's my go about. Note: Just going *this is the norm* with little explanation, is bad when the case is random and ridiculous. *James the Bobcat walked across the street, and was suddenly drafted to fight in world war I where he single handedly defeated the aliens with nuclear weaponry he made from a pack of gum and a toothpick.* Notable Note: I highly agree with Paladin. I like anime, but joyzous croist. Also, I personally think 1x1 is just private messaging smut that you want to show to the rest of the world.