[quote=KindledBeast] "Alastair turned his head towards the kid, "What are you talking about? What stolen uranium I don't even know what that is?" Alastair asked with a louder tone, this kid confused him but he wouldn't let him get the best of him. [/quote] Erza cocked his head sideways seemed very confused. "But didn't you just say yours stole some uranium? Or did I ask for plutonium? And still you could of simple went and dug some up, I mean it isn't that hard. Also if you plan to steal some more can you get me a few thousand gallons of gasoline?" He asked still in a normal tone. He felt like he was missing him off, and know that he knows for a fact that he is a wraith he brought some silver up from the ground near the surface, but not exposing it. Just in case something does happen. [quote=YamiCuoreLaroux] "I have read that the density of silicon chips doubles approximately every two years. I would assume from this that computer capabilities have reached new heights in even the past few days or so." It wasn't the best answer he had, but it was the one that came to his mind the most quickly at the time. Even as he typed it out, he wondered exactly what other things truly were new... He shook his head for a moment as he returned to the present, waiting for an answer. [/quote] "I'm sorry I'm not the brightest in the bunch but from what you said it sounds like there's a new computer thingy and it is twice as big as usual." Nerox said scratching his head. "You have anything less complex to talk about?"