[quote=joeycbee] "I'm sorry I'm not the brightest in the bunch but from what you said it sounds like there's a new computer thingy and it is twice as big as usual." Nerox said scratching his head. "You have anything less complex to talk about?" [/quote] [i]Yes and no; in terms of data storage and processing capacity, it does get bigger, but in terms of physical....[/i] Kyo had started typing more, but Nerox's request led him to stop and delete the message before nodding and trying again. "I hear that there is a new game that the housekeeper would like us to try. Katherin and I will probably go up to the music room shortly if you would like to join us." Almost as soon as he heard the message read out, though, his eyes widened slightly as he realized a slight error. Turning to Katherin once more, he typed out another message. "That is, if you want to go with us, Katherin. I'm sorry, I should have asked if there was anyone else you would like to walk with first." He thought that it was perhaps a bit too much to assume that she would want to walk with the same person once again. He enjoyed her company, but he had no desire to outstay his welcome.