Michelle had taken a notepad out and was taking notes on the Duel. She preferred not being first when it came to the order of Duels, since that meant she could gather info on other people's Decks and strategies. [i]Evol- monsters with their terrifying ability to swarm the field with stronger versions of themselves, and the Koa'ki Meiru's with their anti-light and anti-dark tactics[/i], Michelle thought as she examined the Duel. The Evols would not be too much of a problem, but her main concern was the Koa'ki Meiru deck. She was running a LIGHT Fairy deck, so it would be a terrible match up for her. "[i]Told you we'd have a tough time[/i]," Freya commented to Michelle. Michelle glanced at Freya, who was watching the Duel with equal intensity as she was, then returned her main attention to the Duel. "It's to be expected," Michelle replied, pushing up her glasses. "We're in a tournament, after all; only the best of the best will survive here."