[hider=Ido] Name: Ido Nagarkal Age: 126 years (1 year 2 months after possesion) Race: Demon possesed undead Beastman Height: 8' 8" Weight: 340 lb [b]Tier: 4[/b] [center][u][b]Appearance[/center][/b][/u] Ido's body has a robust and bulky look, the large, round form of his muscles swelling underneath a layer of fat and matted fur, the rough texture and dark grey color of which makes him remniscent of a granite statue - heavy and rough. His face is covered by a black leather mask, reinforced by a hard carpace from the inside and held by straps in such a manner that it would let the lower jaw move freely; his body - by an crimson Atilla jacket and black, slightly baggy trousers. On his hands and feet are a pair of gloves and boots, the latter of which also have golden buckles. [center][u][b]Psychological Description[/center][/b][/u] Ido aspires to be a calm and observant person, remaining collected in the most harsh of situations and carefuly weighing each decision he takes. A stubborn and self-sufficient person, he belives himself to be able to overcome any obstacles in pursuit of his goals on his own and constantly trains his mind and body so that this would hold true. Despite being a demonic warrior, he is not neccesarily cruel or violent, but nevertheless, Ido shows no mercy to his opponents, slightly less empathic than most dwellers of the physical realm. [center][b][u]Traits & Powers[/center][/b][/u] [u]Natural Traits[/u] [list] [*][b]Strength, speed & stamina:[/b] the body of Ido retains it's natural prowess and might, enabling him to lift up to 3 tons overhead and dash at speeds up to 85 MPH. Naturaly enhanced metabolism prevents the buildup of chemical reaction products for long periods of time, muscle retaining its peak condition throughout half an hour of fighting at its least.[/*] [*][b]Durability:[/b] thanks to a strong bond between his magical nature and physiology, Ido, as Beastman, has over 70% of his body mass and 40% of volume occupied by inorganic materials, constantly renwed by his inner magic field. His bones are made of a complex metal alloy, scoring an 8 on the Mohs scale of while having a certain amount of flexebility, allowing them to completely absorb the shock from small arms fire and take a few blows from an evenly matched melee fighter. The muscle tissue and internal organs are also much more resistant than that of a human, but not to the same extent as his bones, being composed mainly of organics.[/*] [*][b]Regeneration:[/b] the combination of magical and biological processes result in greatly increased regeneration speed, recovering small amounts of tissue even within combat. Over the duration of 2 posts, Ido's body can seal minor cuts, cracked bones, restore ~1 litre of blood and minor organ rupture. Until the 5th post, the regeneration will continue, healing even more damage, up to fourth degree burns and broken bones. Anything that requires to restore over 20 lb of tissue or metal can be healed only out of combat, such as severed limbs. This ability, however, does not affect brain cell damage, so a blow to the head will instantly kill Ido. Heart faliure over a prolonged period of time will deprive the brain of oxygen, also resulting in death, but this can only be caused by heavy injury that requires over 2 ticks of healing.[/*] [*][b]Organs of perception:[/b] Ido was born an unusual mental condition - synethesia - which interwines the signals of sensory organs. For a long time, he had no control over this phenomen, but through meditation and mental strengthening, Ido gained the ability to establish and break those connections at will. Linking various organs of perception together, Ido can create a highly accurate map of the surrounding area or increase the intensity of a chosen sense. On their own, most of his senses are abnormaly acute: all of his fur, akin to a cat's whiskers, allows him to unconciously percive even the slightest changes in pressure, picking up even subtle movement's of one's fingers within half a foot; his nose is sensitive enough to pick up just a few molecules within a 1000 litres of air; ears can hear the creaking of leather within 550 yards and his eyes can detect the thrumming of arcane energies within 110 yards. However, his sight is greatly impeded, Ido suffering from severe hindsight and highly sensitive to bright light.[/*] [/list] [u]Demonic Powers[/u] [list] [*][b]Saro Ghan:[/b] this spell's serves the purpose of obscuring the caster from his opponent, creating a 15x15x15 foot, pitch black area which dampens, captures and redirects sound, while also being able to absorb low energy emisions the whole electromagnetic spectrum and magical fields, tampering with means of detection and slightly weakening attacks. However, anybody who happens to enter this area also loses contact with the surrounding world, so it is to be used with caution. The barrier can be instantly cast anywhere within 500 feet of the caster and lasts for two posts, including the one which it is casted. After it dissapates, there is a 2 post cooldown before it can be used again.[/*] [*][b]Jude Tan Kzich:[/b]a special technique of Ido, it allows him to create and manipulate a unique liquid, which has both shear thickening and flameable properties. Aside from being able to freely move the liquid around, accelerating it up to 240 MPH in a straight line (projectile form, that is) and 50 MPH with a complex trajectory, Ido can change the critical shear point, which determines the amount of force needed for the liquid to begin thicknening, prevent the the liquid from combusting at will at the cost of a two tick charge and generate up to 500 celcius heat within it. Ido can generate 25 litres of it per turn; the liquid itself burns at 900 celcius, ingites at 400 and can absorb the energy of a handgun shot when formed into a 4 inch thick layer.[/*] [*][b]Bumillj:[/b] a spell cast in form of a palm strike, it emits a short, high freqency sonic blast, powerful enough to cause severe organ rupture through direct contact. The wave's power quickly degrades over distance, causing only nausea and light pain at 30 feet. Charging does not effect the output of the blast, but increases the optimal striking distance by 1 foot and maximum range by 15 feet per charge.[/*] [/list] [center][b][u]Equipment[/center][/b][/u] [b]Jetpack:[/b] otherwise nothing more than a chunk of metal, this jetpack uses Kzich, the liquid created by Ido, and oxygen within the air as fuel and oxidizer. The tube is turned at an angle to Ido's back, so that instead of pushing him upwards, it would allow him to accelerate horizontaly, achiveing a speed of 180 MPH in a straight line. Unfortunately, neither does it feature brakes, nor any means of chainging direction, but it is provided with thermal isolation and a cooler, which is powered by a rechargable accumulator. [LOCKED] [b]Axes:[/b] favoring adaptivity, Ido has a total of four axes, two of which are bearded axes with large heads and curved blades, as good at slashing as they are at chopping. Their handles measure 6 feet in length and the blades a third of that. Best suited for crushing armor are the two other axes - with smaller blades and longer handles - 8 feet - they are similar to pollaxes. The blade of one follows after the Ono axe, while the other resmelbes a tomahawk. The axes are compund, with a ceramic cutting edge and dense, flexible metal core, the two parts bound together by a fibrous micro lattice: this improves the blade's shock resistance and allows for superb sharpness as well. At the same time, the use of advanced materials increases their weight, each axe weighing around 30 pounds. Bearded Axes: [LOCKED] [b]Backpack & belt:[/b] simple and sturdy, the backpack is used by Ido to carry around his axes, and the belt holds the grenades and Blood Fang's sheath. [b]Smokebombs & Flashbangs:[/b] nothing special about these. Ido carries 5 of each on his belt. [b]BLOOD FANG:[/b] the Blood Fang, formerly a bounty hunter's knife, it is enhanted to be able to track down prey by their blood. Once it is given a portion of a being's blood, the being is labeled as its target, Blood Fang showing their location to its user. Unless they have means to combat magical detection, there is nothing one can do to escape from an owner of such a weapon other than to somehow switch it to a diffrent target. The knife itself is made of iron, has a straight blade, 6 inch long and 2 inch wide at the base. [center][b][u]History & Motif[/center][/b][/u] Ido comes from an ancient demonic dynasty, occupying the role of a powerful astral warrior within his realm. However, his constant yearning for new experiences and knowledge have pushed him to leave the astral and explore the physical realm within a possesed body. Years had passed since his first venture, and now, Ido has decided not only to join the famed Everlasting Arena, but to do so in one of the more extravagant bodie he could posess. [/hider]