Tony could keep an eye on his tower and travel to and from LA when needed, but maybe a nice hideaway in the forest with Pepper would be something soothing for him. I think Pepper finding out about mutants would be pretty fun, not sure if we want Pep and Tony to meet Charles together o seperatly. I assume Charles would want to keep things hidden, unaware of maybe who Tony is? Or if he is aware, not willing to let the genius know about mutants? So we could start with the press release in NYC, Tony mentioning he's with Pepper in a relationship, he's willing to help rebuild NYC and take charge of his company with Pepper by his side? And then Charles would be gathering Havoc, Beast and Banshee to go back to training while dealing with his new issue of being bound by a wheelchair? I assume Raven would then show up? Do you think we're about ready to begin? if so, about how much were we gonna post usually? You mentioned our styles were similar but I wanna be sure we're both expecting similar things.