[quote=Diabolicalrhapsody] "I'm ashamed and really sorry Hadley!" Pyktis said with a dejwcted expression. He had hoped to have a good impression on her but a silly mistake cost it all. As Alex answered his query he turned to him."Those are pretty nifty powers I must say, I also thank god that Vito won't be able to meet you ever. He would have rained havoc had he gotten hold of you." Py replied hearing his explanation. "Sorry, I got a bit carried away. It's not being my day it seems. That pasta was my undoing it seems." He immediately added. The housekeeper meanwhile had asked them all to assemble in music room."Go on without me, if you wish to. Don't want to burden you with someone blind and stupid." He said in a somber tone. To say that life was about highs and lows would be hitting it on the head. Pyktis felt overwhelmed by his surroundings. He had been so so used to abuse that gentle treatment made him dumb. He reconsidered if he would be of any use to this institution, he was just a bad apple it seemed. [/quote] "Don't call yourself stupid. So things got off on the wrong foot but hey we're all practically family now so it's bound to happen. Truth be told you shouldn't consider yourself a burden man." Alex said to Py right after Hadley had spoken to him before looking at Hadley. [quote=MissCapnCrunch] "Go on without me, if you wish to. Don't want to burden you with someone blind and stupid."Hadley returned to the table in time to here Pyktis speak down upon himself. she placed a soft hand on both Alex and Py nodding. [/quote] "Yeah, sounds good....thanks for taking the dishes by the way." Alex said to Hadley agreeing with her while thanking her. He stood up still thinking about the days events.