Lianna watched Marius turn around, he seemed irritated, she'd given him a nod previously. She sort of watched him for a moment as he placed Mai in the vehicle, finally she took a step forward to get in too. Suddenly, Marius' voice boomed at Lianna making her flinch some, realizing that he probably couldn't tell she'd nodded yes to his orders the first time. As fast as she could Lianna limped to the open door and crawled in. She sat herself down next to the unconscious Mai, grabbing her she slowly pulled the brave girl onto her own lap and wrapped her arms around her tightly. "Th-That little demon attacked us! Tried to tear our throats out. Jumped out of a pile of gar-garba-hey what the fuck why's it rain-" the trashman's lying is cut off by the arrival of Yuki. "Holy shit! FUCK WHY CAN'T I FEEL ANYTHING?!" He's now collapsed on the ground freaking out, staring up at the Witch with one of her devils, Yuki.