[b]Scouts - Outpost - Alex[/b] Chris couldn't shake the nagging feeling he [i]knew[/i] this guy, but he could offer no substantial reason why he couldn't come with them. He looked toward Jamie, who was staring down at the table. "I, uh..." Chris began. He looked up at Michael and shrugged. "Yeah, sure. But we really should get going right away." Michael smiled and nodded. "Of course. Thank you." He graciously shook Cody's hand, who nervously smiled back. Jamie suddenly stood up and left the kitchen, prompting everyone to awkwardly stand in turn. Chris shared a look with Cody before moving around the table and approaching Hazel. He thanked her for everything she'd done and followed Jamie outside. Cody left next, placing a hand on Hazel's shoulder and directing Michael to head outside. When they were all piled into the car, Hazel waved to them at the front door, happy the rain had finally stopped. *** The gates of Outpost opened slowly, allowing Cody to drive the car inside. He parked the car next to the other vehicle by the scout's cabins and was met by a small crowd of scouts who had been worried about the group. There was a buzz in the air that turned suddenly dour when Michael exited the vehicle. Some of the scouts stared at him as if they knew him and whispered to each other about his identity. It was then that Chris moved forward and pushed Michael so that he was facing him. "Right, I know you now," he said, practically growling. "You left during the mutiny!" Michael's hands bunched into fists, his warm demeanour entirely gone. "I did. And?" Chris looked around briefly. "Well-- You... It was suspicious. And--" Lucas stepped forward from the group and spoke up. "Chris, to be fair, the council said they didn't know if Michael was to blame." Chris stared at him, unsure what to say to that. "Then there is no reason for all this," Michael interjected, relaxing slightly. "I left Outpost and decided I wanted to come back. I expected the worst of you to expect this of me, so I was unsure if I should let on..." He looked around at the group and smiled. "But see, such a warm welcome. I thank you all for escorting me here, truly, but I must see the council about my arrival. Surely, I should look into some manner of security for myself." Michael turned around and left, the group parting to let him go. Jamie, who couldn't have cared less about any of this, nudged Alex. "You should, uh... see Myriah." He still looked upset, for whatever reason. "And if anyone asks, I'm sorry about today." --- [b]Tyler - Baton Rouge - Jacob/Liam/Katie/Scarlett[/b] The kid had managed to save himself, though Tyler was too caught up in the onslaught to pay much attention to the event. In fact, all of the adults were busy weaving back and forth around the undead in an attempt to keep distance between them and the monsters. When the group began to thin out and no more fell from the balcony, Adam stepped forward and kicked a walker into the pool. He laughed at this before turning to the others. "Fuck this place! I'm taking you guys back to my group, all right? You gotta protect those kids. Oh, and that cat!" Quickly, Adam began to run around the pool and toward the fence at the back of the motel. Tyler made no move to follow, but George began to ran forward. He stopped to turn around and face Tyler. "You said we needed more supplies! We should follow him!" Then he was off running before Tyler could make a rebuttal. Letting out an annoyed grunt, Tyler took Katie's hand. "Looks like we're hopping a fence," he said. He ran with Katie to the aluminium fencing and waved down George who had already hopped to the other side. "Grab her!" Tyler ordered, grabbing Katie-- kitten and all-- and lifting her over the fence. George scooped her into his arms from the other side and Tyler jumped over after her. He made no attempt to stop for Liam, but Jacob was nice enough to help the boy over. Then, they ran across the street toward where Adam had stopped to wait for them. He gave the group a thumbs up before turning the corner down the connecting road. Then, "Oh, shit!" Adam cried. He aimed his rifle at a girl standing up against the wall, his eyes squinting and his hands shaking. Tyler moved around Adam and held out his hand to the boy. "Woah, woah," he said, exchanging a look between them. "Cool it, she's defenceless." As the others began to move around the corner to see what was happening, Adam reluctantly lowered his weapon. Tyler let out a sigh and looked at the girl. "Are you okay?" he asked.