[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gSMtiM1e5Y]Coffee Time[/URL] While filing into the seats, he had lost track of his new acquaintance from earlier. By the time the speech had come to an end, the girl was unable to be spotted from the sea of grey. Even though her hair was a unique bright color, it was veiled by the black headwear which blended in with the uniforms. [b][i]”I’ll… Probably run into her later. Yeah, not that big of an academy.”[/i][/b] Though, such hopes were drowned out by the plethora of students attending the school. With such an enormous campus, of course it would be accommodated by a swarm of applicants, making the chances of students who met on the first day winding up in the same class… considerably low. [i]”Well, fate, I’m at your whim~”[/i] The Japanese-American boy crooned, grabbing his luggage before he got a head start on the mob. He was still somewhat frightened by the headmaster's 'stare'. Though it wasn't directed towards him, as the student next to him had made the query, there was something about an eyeless lock which burrowed deep into his soul. [b][u]”Also, students. Please refer to the brochures for reference of the grounds, which will be handed out at the front door. The cafeteria is now officially open all hours, so please eat to your stomachs’ desires. All students must register their rooms by ten o’clock at the latest, or you [i]will[/i] be forced to sleep with the griffons.[/u][/b] The vice headmistress announced as Varren approached the exit of the building. Even though some students were captivated by the architectural masterpiece of an interior, the boy wasn’t too amazed. He definitely had to hand it to the designer, a fantastic job and all. But he had already grown accustomed to the more modern building materials commonly used in Japan, which were more sturdy and economically efficient. The walls were completely flat, had a few cracks here and there, but he guessed it was what flew in this world. [i]”I should probably find my room by nine. Gotta set up a sufficient workzone, and grab some grocerie-”[/i] He hesitated for a moment, thinking of where to get his necessities. But with all of this thought about food, a rumble was rendered in his stomach. [b][i]”Wait… She said cafeteri- I MUST GET SOME COFFEE.”[/i][/b] As if his body had exerted all of his stored energy at once. A last attempt jolt, in hopes of acquiring some sustenance. The bags’ weight felt like they were on par with a feather, swiftly dragged along by two thin twigs. On his approach to the doorway, a teacher spotted him advancing at an alarming rate. The person instantly noted the only place Yinyues could hold the brochure at and fixated the pamphlet at the proper angle. Varren had to jump a few inches to align his armpit with the folded paper, bringing the curve in his arm down the second he felt its edge. [b][i]”Thank you!”[/i][/b] The boy happily called out as he cut through the snow like it was butter. Kicking up and smushing the powdery flakes as he ran along, he caught up with a group of returning students. [b][i]”Hey! By any chance, do you know where the cafeteria is? I’m a tad bit hungwy.”[/i][/b] Spewing the last line with a childish zeal, it took a few moments for the students to register what had just transpired. With a baffled expression, one managed to point out a white, tall building nearby. All of the buildings on campus followed a similar format, only with experience would one be able to distinguish between them. Acquiring his destination, the boy pressed on far ahead of the leisurely strolling students, merrily rushing into the entrance. [b]A Few Minutes Later:[/b] Varren praised the beverage in his hand as if it was a deity. Steaming to the brim, the color of dirt, his lord and savior was ready to be chugged like a holy drink. Putting the cup to his lips as he sat down at a table, he pushed up the bottom slightly, allowing a steady and easy to manage flow of coffee to enter his mouth. Savoring every last drop, the boy let out a clamorous sigh of relief. Before taking another swig, the boy helped himself to the eggs and sausage he had ordered. Skipping breakfast just made the following meal even more satisfying. Once the brochure was released from the grasp of his arm, it fell onto the tabletop flatly. Just before he was about to skim through it, a [i]ping[/i] chirped from his toshinmac personal device. His father was attempting to open up another conversation with the boy, probably to check up on how his son faired at the meeting. The student took another sip of his drink before clicking the icon. [hider=Father-to-Son Pep Talk] [b]”Oh, hey son, how was the opening ceremony?”[/b] Straight to the point, as always. Varren recalled the experience in his head, and tried to find a way to describe it. [b][i]”It was… Interesting. So, how’s that compilation coming along?”[/i][/b] He remembered catching a glimpse of a pair of anatomically augmented humans at the ceremony. When it came to military related subjects, Yinyues couldn’t help but to try and get some information. [b]”Should be finished by tomorrow. So, anyways… going back to my question…”[/b] [b][i]”Well, hm… I guess I was surprised, to say the least. Could’ve told me what he was like.”[/i][/b] His father had briefly graced the subject on a few of the students; Children of people who had their ties with the academy. [b]”Yeah, I even know the headmaster. Pretty unique guy, right? He and I threw a few beers long way’s back.”[/b] The boy raised an eyebrow at the statement, [b][i]”Wait… You’ve drank with him? How is that even possible?”[/i][/b] Another sip. [b]”...Son. That guy takes logic and-”[/b] Varren was quick to type over his father, sending the message fast enough to cut him off, [b][i]”...and feeds it to his children. I wonder what he eats for lunch and dinner?”[/i][/b] [b]”Bras and panties, mostly.”[/b] [b][i]”...What?”[/i][/b] A quizzical look formed on his face, unsure of how to perceive what his father just sent. He was unable to determine whether it was a joke or not. [b]”Don’t ask. Anyways, I’m gonna send over a few blueprints for some firearms we’re about to throw onto the market. Also, make sure you look over that brochure, it will help you out a lot. I must go to a meeting, talk to you later.”[/b] [/HIDER] Varren sighed as the hologram closed down, leaving the boy to himself yet again. He glanced down at the brochure, taking notes of its exterior. Pictures of snapshots of academy life were symmetrically placed on the cover, bordered by a background of the school’s colors. It was extremely generic, in all honesty. He paged through straight to [i]Rooms[/i] section, as that was a high priority at the moment. [b][u]”Hello student, welcome to the academy! Now, please refer to the map for your specified dormitory. Dorms are organized by year and gender. There are three building per grade; one for male single-boarders, one for female single-boards, and the last for partnerships. These buildings are placed in a triangle formation on the campus, five of these formations exist, obviously for each year. Once you have located your year’s trio, you should proceed to your gender’s designated building- unless you are already in an [i]OFFICIAL[/i] partnership. On the first day of school, all rooms are left unassigned, ready to be moved into. Maybe you have yet to noted, but you have yet to be given a room key! This is not an error of any sort, so rest assured. Find a room on any floor you fancy, and simply place your thumb on the sensor built into the doorknob. Don’t worry, these devices are proportionally large, so having big fingers isn’t a problem. But remember, only you and you alone can open this door. Say you forget an assignment in your dorm, and you ask your friend to pick it up. Not even a cut off thumb would suffice, as the sensor acknowledges a constant flow of blood through your cephalic vein! You are free to customize the room to your own personal tastes. Resources can be bought at the academy’s general store, open twentyfour-seven, and is constantly restocked! But keep in mind, once you have found a partner, you will be required to move whatever your former room entails into your brand new homage. Have fun living in your new dormitory!”[/u][/b] Varren flipped back a few pages and glanced at the map, skimming to locate his own congregation of buildings. Not surprisingly, the first year formation was the farthest from the essential buildings. The academy established a subtle social hierarchy, which was to be expected. He let out a sigh, thinking of the days to come. How many of them would he have to haul himself to the cafeteria, then rush to the class? He shuddered at the thought, then comforted himself with another beverage. [b][i]”Partners… hm… Wouldn’t want to impose on anybody, I’d just be a hindrance.”[/i][/b] He sighed, then took another bite out of the meal. [b][i]”Wonder who’ll be in my class.”[/i][/b]