[b]Kouki Kumini[/b] Kouki's eyes darted back and forth between the two of them, confused and completely unsure of what decision he was supposed to make. The lady in blue (his lack of glasses prevented him from making out any real distinguishable features) reminded him of his dad, even if it was just the color scheme of her outfit. But, at the same time, the younger girl had made his arms stop hurting. While that counted for a lot, the way that the lady in blue spoke was a lot more comforting than the girl. But both of them had promised to make him feel better and help him find his dad and that was really all he wanted out of this. He wanted to be at home, with his dad, and never have to deal with something as horrible as this ever again. "I-I don't know." He whispered quietly under his breath. Kouki down, not looking either of his companions in the eye. All of the sudden, he couldn't stand being in the girl's lap anymore. She was too close. Making a decision was suffocating him. Kouki wiggled out of the girl's lap, and almost immediately regretted the decision. Actually standing made the burns on his legs hurt worse. The boy immediately fell to the ground, using his injured hand to catch himself and that just made things even worse. He wanted someone to tell him what to do, Kouki realized as he sat on the ground with a fresh bout of tears coming from his eyes. Making decisions right now was too much. ------ Elsewhere, in his frantic rush to check every hospital that victims of the explosion had been sent to, Mikami did remember to send a message to his subordinates telling them to head back to Scepter 4 territory. It was best to let the Red's have their way for now, lest things get more messy. Mikami himself had enough on his plate right now, what with trying to locate his more than likely injured son.