[Center] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2a7y33m.jpg[/IMG][/center] Risa took a seat at a table that Nolan took over. She looked over at Luro when he offered to get her something to drink. "Oh, um, no thank-" Nolan had brought drinks for them, drinks that weren't alcoholic. "Oh, this is better. Thank you." She realized Nolan was probably the safest one in the bar, so despite having become Luro's 'hostage', she decided to sit near him. The least amount of trouble would probably go his way. After the random attack, she was sure she would be way too close to Luro when the time came that the guy... well, woke up. Once again, she witnessed the oddity of the pirates. One of them, Danny if she recalled correctly, was was nagging Luro about attacking someone randomly. But they were pirates...Wasn't that something pirates did? Whatever the case was, she just hoped it wouldn't cause too much of a problem as she sat quietly, wondering if her father had gotten home and had gotten around to fixing their ship a little. The captain walked right past Risa, not bothering to worry about her. She had Luro for that. For a moment, her attention turned to Danny's reaction to Luro attacking someone. "He did pay the guy. Give him some credit Danny." She wondered if she would have to continuously remind Danny and Nolan that being a pirate came with a price. Sometimes, being a little violent was that price. Feeling the hand on her right shoulder, the captain glanced over to see Alicia. The only reason she didn't tense up at the random touch was because she could see her right side. More often than not, ones who attacked he tried going for her blind side which resulted in a mild paranoia. She listened to the woman and nodded. If Alicia wanted to go off and make sure things were safe, Runali wouldn't stop her. Instead, she turned her attention to Nolan who had brought a tray to the table. His comment made her smirk and look down at the drink in her hand. "Eh, I don't drink often. But in a tavern, why not respect the customs?" She set the now empty cup down and traded it out for what Nolan had brought. One to be nice and two because she didn't plan to start getting drunk anytime soon. Besides, there was a mysterious figure they were looking for. It was a bit crowded, making it a little more difficult to spot him. She stood from her seat, wandering over to Luro before speaking up. "I think the name you're looking for is [I]Judge[/I] a [I]Rookie Judge[/I] to be specific." She scanned the room in the midst of the drunken men and women. "Rookie Judge? Judge of rookies? What does that even mean? You guys, what if he's the navy? Then what will you do? Do all pirates really just rush into things without thinking? Sheesh...I couldn't be a pirate...How are you two even pirates? You seem so, well nice." Risa rambled on partially talking to the others, more so talking to herself, until her ending questions to Nolan and Danny. "Well if he's apart of the Navy I suppose we'll be hightailing it out of here. But then again, we're fairly new around here... We haven't caused [I] that [/I] much trouble." She paused for a moment, remembering Waterdeep and all of the hell they managed to raise. But they had Kai to blame for that one considering they were just helping out a fellow crewmate... Still, what possible trouble could they have gotten into for saving a royal family? Surely they would cover for them. "Aha." Despite the exclamation, the sound came out very monotonous rather than surprising. "Target spotted somewhere around the 2 o'clock area...unless it's the other way around. Then that would make it 11 o'clock if you're facing that way." She shook her head, realizing she was rambling on much like how Luro or Danny would do. "Now, how would I go about approaching a potentially dangerous person- that could also be apart of the navy?" Runa tapped her hat in thought. "There's starting a random fight, buying a drink- nah, that's a waste of money, casually mentioning him-" Risa interrupted the captain in a slightly panicky voice. One would think she was apart of the crew. "Is starting a fight really necessary?!" "Don't worry, don't worry. It was just suggestions. I planned on just walking over there anyway." "Isn't that a little dangerous too!?" But as she said that, Runa wandered off towards the male drinking away. "Shouldn't someone stop her??" Runali pulled up a seat in front of the 'mysterious figure' that managed to cause such a crowd and pull half her crew's attention. She pulled up a chair and turned it the opposite way, sitting on it backwards. Her arms rested on the back of the chair and she looked at him for a moment, examining him. Without an introduction, she adjusted her hat and spoke. There was no reason not to be bold, and there was no reason to beat around the bush. "So, what does the Rookie Judge title mean? Sounds important... Care to explain?"