Would you mind if I propose one, last deity :)? Name: Lia ; The potter Goddess; Art Powers: Lia is the deity of Arts, Poetry, Joy, and sometimes her dominion is extended to all human emotions. Xer aspect is often misinterpreted with that of a woman, though most of the cults of the world portray xe as an hermaphrodite entity, not fixed to a tangible and immanent form, but perceivable in moments of ecstatic inspiration. On this matter there have been longs discussions and private speculations on xer form and domain, producing however close to none progress in identifying xer essence. Common conception anyway image xer as the origin of human emotions and irrationality, this way regarding xer as one of the major generatrices divinities; this mentality was greatly influenced by a fenomenon of sincretism of minor deities binded to specific realms and reigns today under the influence of Lia, like Astal, goddess of Liric poetry. Xer way of manifesting in the world is a phenomenon called 'Inspirative potting', in which the poet, artist or simple being enters in a state of mystic and ecstatic trance and private union with Lia, obtaining visions, inspiration, or madness. Though some mass-inspirations are pointed out as work of Lia, she is able only to act on one human at time, substantially limiting her effectiveness and influce. However, when an individual is inspired, only Natahur knows what is going to happen. Holy symbol or symbols: A laurel crown, or generally an undulating sun, simbol of moral happyness. Xer consacrated animal is the pheasant, whose plumage is considered as holy and untouchable. To an extent, interwiring with Urania's dominion, any bird is considered dare to xer, being the purest and simplest example of the artistic soul. Role in the pantheon: Elevated as a marvelous deity by artists, xe is generally considered as fearsome but just, and regarded with respect. Not a minor deity, xer cult isn't spread enough to be considered a major one yet as well. She lies in a sort of religious limbo, we could say. Practices: Though the cult of the origins didn't require particular rites and formulas to gain her attention, lately people tended to build precise dogmas around her figure, mostly to give the precise shape that the cult missed, making xer an official deity for some major pantheons. Some of the most used practices are: signing any work of any cultural or emotive value with the Gwirr, the undulated sun, in order to obtain divine inspiration for the next work; endure 10 days of purity an chastity without meat and mating, in order to favour the 'potting'; organize festivals in her honor every three months is said to bring to the whole city good luck and general betterness. Being the divine potting an unique and sensational experience, trying to re-create the same feeling and experience through drugs is not only regarded as a severe offense to Lia, but also as a complete foolishness, as it is said it removes any possibility to the corrupt body to enter in union with the deity. Considering that inspiration, and thus Lia, could arrive anywhere, a fervent apprendice of the cult has always with him paper and ink, and not carrying a pen or a sheet with themselves is always eyed with disapproving glares. Please inform me if there are some parts i should define better, or totally change.