For what? A roleplay that may very well die or not get enough people in it? Most of the people I've seen short of advanced wouldn't have the enthusiasm you do. It's like cramming all of Mobile Suit Gundam into one short story it'd be not interesting to read unless you experience it for yourself. If someone told me the story of Avatar the last airbender in a compressed way it'd be like this (SPOILERS AHEAD TOOT TOOT!): The One Hundred Year War between the Fire Nation and the Earth Nation happened after the Fire Nation suddenly attacked the Air Nation killing all of it's people and forcing the avatar into flee. One hundred years after the initial impact of the war, the avatar awoke from an ice berg and started out on his travels to master the five elements and defeat the fire lord to restore balance to the world with the aid of his friends. The Avatar proceeded to aid in the defense of The Northern Water Tribe while avoiding the exiled fire prince zuko. He then proceeded to go to the Earth kingdom where his journey unfortunately failed and proceeded to cause the Earth King's last capital city to fall to traitorous Dai Li Agents led by the exiled prince's younger sister while the exiled prince re-joined his nation. After that the avatar went into hiding and eventually attacked the fire nation but due to knowledge leaking out previously they failed. Then they were joined by the exiled prince whom felt remorseful from his actions and with his help they managed to stop the fire lord and restore peace to the world. Sounds generic doesn't it?