The sound of snow crunching under their shoes was all that had filled Vivian's ears since the pack had headed out earlier that morning. Winter was starting in full swing, and this was the packs fourth day to trudge through the snow. Each day brought colder weather and each night brought deeper snow. While the werewolves had no problem in the growing cold, the knee deep snow was slowing them down. For the non-werewolves of her pack, working through the snow coupled with the cold was making them miserable. Usually by this time of the year, Vivian would have already found a place for the pack to stay for the winter. This year, however, the pack had run into trouble with their first location. Another pack had been out running and found her pack of misfits, and most other packs did not like nor agreed with the pack that Vivian ran. The other pack defended their territory, forcing Vivian and her pack to move just as winter was setting in. Upon request, all werewolves had been traveling as wolves and allowing Crystal, Esma, and sometimes Hide to wear the extra clothing for warmth. Vivian, with Rosalle at her side, were leading the pack. The snow packed under their foot steps making it easier for William, Crystal, and Esma to walk on the snow. Rowland followed the whole pack, saying it was his duty, and honor, to give his life for the pack if ambushed. The truth of the matter was that he thought he was the only one strong enough, outside of Vivian, who could protect the pack from danger. Hide had spotted an abandoned cabin a few miles away, and if by any luck the pack would make it to shelter before night fall. Through the mental link the whole pack shared, Scooter, who was well ahead of the pack, claimed that he could smell Hider just a mile ahead. His excitement spilled through the whole pack as he shoot off to surprise Hide. The excitement rippled through everyone, some even went running to join Hide and Scooter. Vivian shook her head and kept pushing ahead at a slightly faster rate. A few minutes later, Crystal walked up between her pack leader and Rossale and placed her cold hand into the warm fur of Vivian’s back. “I know we are all anxious to be where we are headed. I want to try to get us there faster.” Crystal said softly, though she knew everyone close by would hear. Vivian looked up at her then nodded her consent, for she was ready to be at the cabin as well. As all the pack members backed away, Crystal crouched down in the snow on one knee facing the direction of the cabin. “Please work!” she whispered as she thrusted her hands out. A long tunnel of fire shoot from her hands and melted away the snow and some of the brush of the forest leaving black char marks along the way. “I can cover up scorch marks.” Crystal assured when Vivian let out a low growl. As the witch stood up, Bethany shoot past her, a blur of brown fur. Crystal laughed as she pushed the hair back from her face. Not too long after, the whole pack was running towards the cabin, all of them being drawn to join in the rough housing that was happening in the clearing. Vivian stepped to the edge of the clearing and watched her pack play and laugh. Even the oldest of the pack were playing gently with those who did not share their strength. For a long time, Vivian never thought she would have a family again. Her first family had been ripped away from her violently one evening long ago, but time had given back what she had lost an then some. Vivian watched a blonde wolf streak past her as she was chased. If it had not been for Rossale, she wouldn’t have had this pack that she did now. William came to stand by his sister. “I know what you are thinking about.” He said simply. Vivian shook her head and shifted away from her brother. “What we have now is better than what we had then.” He said gently before taking off to play with the others. Vivian laid down in the snow with a huff and watched her pack play.