Tiffany quickly followed the rest inside, giving a worried glance at the boy resting on the floor. As she walked in, she saw that the red headed woman who owned the castle was setting up a projected. So far it seemed as if the woman was telling the truth, and that scared Tiffany more than the belief that it was a lie, that she was just crazy. Thougts wondering, Tiffany pondered over the woman. She seemed fine, but didn't speak. Maybe she was mute. Quietly raising her hand, Tiffany glanced around nervously. "Um, S-sorry, I was just wondering, which out of the twelve do you you guys have?" She mumbled once more, hoping that they could hear her. She was quite curious, and since no one could tell her anything false without her knowing, she supposed questions were good for her. It was all quite hard to believe though. There was a demon inside her head. And it wasn't just her, there were eleven others like this. And what exactly are the twelve? She hoped there wasn't one for death, that would be very unfortunate for whoever was possessed and the people around them.