[center][b]Loreal[/b][/center] "You called your griffin Mr. Feathers?" Loreal asked, taking a brochure and skimming it. Satisfied that the room assignment process was the same as it was last year, she slipped it in her pocket. "We actually have a griffon at him--Saxon's just a baby, though. Oh--and I'm a second year!" she answered. "I saw you with the first years...So you don't have to carry all my stuff all the way to my dorm. I can find another second year. I don't want to keep you from getting a good room." She slowed to a stop to watch him for a response, though he was trying not to laugh. "Is something wrong?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow at the other student. Her green eyes flickered between Jeremy and Kasha, pretty sure she missed out on some inside joke. [center]_________________________________________________________ [b]Dagny[/b][/center] Dagny slowly made her way for the fourth year buildings, not bothering to pick up a brochure. She wanted to get room assignment out of the way, unpack, and then maybe grab some food. Not that it was ever cooked enough for, but that was something easily fixed with a little fire. She trudged easily through the snow, wife beater and gym shorts more than enough to keep her comfortable apparently despite other students running around in fur and heavy coats. Every now and again, her breath would create fog in the air and other times it seemed to be smoke. She also carried her three bags easily whereas she caught sight of other students getting help or packing much lighter. As if she didn’t contrast the other students enough already, she didn’t carry a weapon in addition to her belongings. As she continued her trek, she watched other students as they socialized or the first years meekly avoid too much interaction. A smile came to her face: she was in her fourth year. That wasn’t quite year five, but she was confident in the fact she had far more experience and strength than most of the other students at this point. As if her species wasn’t enough of an advantage.