Joseph yawned, as the assembly was as boring as he expected it to be. It was mostly the Headmaster just strutting his stuff and boasting about how fucking overpowered he was or some shit like that. But alas, Joseph had a dorm to get to, and from past year's experience, he knew those who claimed rooms early beat the hassle of the bum rush that occurred later in the afternoon. Compared to the first year dorms, the fourth years' dorms were pretty spacious. Not as spacious as the partner dorms, but it was still pretty big for one person. Joseph was fortunate to get a dorm room near the entrance, which meant easy access in and out. Which also pretty much meant when shit went down he'd be first out. Joseph placed his rifle in the corner, and left, remembering to place his finger on the lock, claiming the room as his. What else did he have to do? Ah yes. Come to think of it, Joseph needed a partner. His last one disappeared. Yes. He had no idea where his partner went to, and not even the Academy knew where his partner was. Joseph simply assumed his partner had just silently left. But life moves on, and so he should find another. Lone wolfing was not ideal, but if Joseph had to, he would. Taking a stroll outside, he began walking towards the cafeteria... Only to spot a familiar face. "DAGNY! You fucking bitch. Didn't think you'd have the smarts to actually pass your third year. I haven't forgotten last year mate. I should kick your ass right here and now."