”Also, students. Please refer to the brochures for reference of the grounds, which will be handed out at the front door. The cafeteria is now officially open all hours, so please eat to your stomachs’ desires. All students must register their rooms by ten o’clock at the latest, or you will be forced to sleep with the griffons." The vice Headmistress' voice echoed through the hall once more as Lilith picked up her luggage laying by her seat. She began to make her way to the building exit, becoming a part of the stream of students trickling out of the area. A teacher approached the students as they left through the doors, handing out the mentioned brochures. Lilith took the pamphlet offered to her, managing a quick "Thank you." as she walked by. She passed through the doors and watched her breath fog the air in front of her. Pausing in her steps, she looked down at the attached papers in her hand. It would be a good idea to learn a little more about the Academy grounds before she ended up wandering about the place lost. Dropping her luggage by her side, she methodically flipped through the pages, skimming each page under her gaze. She noted the location of the first year dorms, which she knew she would have to deal with soon enough. Before heading directly to said dormitory, she decided to go on a little walk - just to get a better idea of the grounds, taking advantage of the freedom the first day seemed to grant. It could be beneficial for her to take a look at place for the coming days here. She had hopefully had enough time before she had to sign into the dorms later in the day. And besides, compared to other students she noticed today, she did not have much to drop off in the place. Lilith folded the brochure and tucked it into her pocket, picking up her belongings as she glanced up at the elegance of the Academy buildings. Her curiosity was piqued by a number of students entering one of the taller near-identical structures located close by. She strolled toward said building, wondering what it was used for. She stifled a yawn, a slight drowsiness coming over her from the effects of late night-activities. A pleasant, warm aroma of something reached her nose as she entered the building. She quickly realized it was the cafeteria, feeling rather idiotic for not remembering the last announcement. Her species did sometimes eat without requiring it for sustenance, although it had been quite a while since she had tasted food. She glanced around at the various students in the cafeteria, and noticed a familiar face (Varren) sitting at a table.