The Gore Magala, dread hunter of half-forgotten myths and Black Eclipse Wyvern, was not having a good day it seemed. The fleshy naked apes it was hunting was turning out to be more of a handful than the great beast had thought, and therefore that much more of a threat. They were surviving its attacks and more of the things always kept it away from totally killing any singular ape that it had almost done in. The predator was not amused and was actually in more pain than it had thought possible. Somehow, fire and other substances harmful to its very existence were being flung about without impunity, and the things were like a pack of wyverns, ganging up on the singular deadly predator with teamwork and persistence. The thing's day was just about to get that much worse though. A rapid hail of projectiles were raining forth upon its wings, battering it with their relentless assault. Had these been regular Hunters, then it would not have done much. These beings however, were consummate professionals, achieving skills far higher than any regular sniper in this world. The hail eventually dented enough to pierce through, and metal projectiles were now lodged at the base of its wings, rendering moving the great limbs a most painful task and throwing off the beast's balance. Then the melee arrived. Anti dragon weapon poked repeatedly through the weakened underbelly, flaming alchemic sword lopping deep enough through the base of the wing to cripple it, and fairy forged blade forcibly tearing a gash through the beast's side. More barehanded attacks slammed into the chassis, and alien technology fired rays upon rays of concentrated electrical energies upon the thing gave it no pause either, the thing flailing about wildly in an attempt to back off and retreat to lick its wounds. And then a giant undead wolf dragon slammed into its similarly sized opponent, the two careening into the side of a cliff as the behemoths began a battle for domination. Though the Zinogre was a deadly force when alive, its undead state made it lose quite a bit of mass and effectively stripped it of the ability to summon Lightning Bugs to punish the enemy with high powered volts. This in conjunction with it being in close quarters to a beast who specialized in hunting and fighting undead creatures was a recipe for disaster. As soon as the Gore Magala recovered from the blow, it repeatedly blasted explosive miasma into the rotting and already weakened lupine and corroded it to the point of becoming semi solid slush and bone. Then it began the gruesome task of eating the unexpected meal, strong jaws crunching on softened bone and gristle as it eagerly and voraciously tore into its repast. The weakened creature grew stronger with every snap and tear, the grotesque sounds of its feasting echoing in the landscape as darkness began to coalesce about the creature, cloaking it from view until a roiling mass of miasma was boiling where it stood. Yes, this was sufficient enough to jumpstart its evolution into adulthood... [youtube]0W3aPXpAc68[/youtube] Then, night turned into day as the black dragon was reborn to the world, stepping out from its shadowy cocoon. Stepping forth in its place was something that could only be described as the opposite of what the group had been previously fighting. Black plates the color of ebony were now shed to reveal scales of lustrous gold that gleamed in the sun's ray, as much as the metal it was reminiscent of. Where before there was no eyes, now there orbs gleaming with the sharp intelligence of a true predator and king. It held itself with a prideful air, stalking about in a half circuit as it regarded the group with what looked like calm inquisitiveness, as though it had forgotten exactly how much damage was dealt to it by the Challengers. This was not an assassin anymore, skulking about in the shadows so as to take down its prey. Its very coloration was spitting in the face of such a thing, loudly decrying any need of ambushing its prey from the shadows. Now, it was a creature that would boldly face down any and all that dared to challenge it and relentlessly hunt down any and every prey that it sees. A quiet but feral strength was apparent in its very movements as it lithely continued its investigation with its new eyes, staring with unwavering intensity at those that put it in such a state. It stood tall and ready, previous wounds somewhat mitigated from the food it consumed. Now, they looked like war scars as opposed to raw open wounds and burns, lines and burn marks colored silver all across its body. Even its wings seemed to have healed from the assault, now sporting a new membrane that was reminiscent of stiff ivory feathers. Though languidand composed, the now fully matured Shagaru Magara was still a tyrant, but now wearing a saintly mask. Its very eyes was full of intense bloodlust and killing intent was literally roiling off of the beast along with much thicker miasma. Where before the stream of shadow stuff could be described as a steady stream, it was now a roaring river as the thing pumped the surroundings so full of its foul properties that the very floor was hidden underneath a roiling carpet of dark substance. "Where the hell am I now..." A much suffering groan emanated from the crater as a very roughed up redhead dredged herself out on her hands and knees, looking ready to tilt over at the hint of a stiff breeze. She was beyond battered and bruised, she looked like she had came out of a warzone and had barely survived the escape in the first place. It seemed that she was now capable of cognizant thought at the cost of her health. The sad thing was that she had survived worse than this, namely having mountains exploding around her upon her or being scorched by a lunatic Phoenix King capable of destroying entire mountain tops. Or every big fight/kidnapping attempt that occurred every other month in the Nerima district of Japan, when the local nutjobs came out in force and dogpiled on her in a massive property destroying all out brawl. Just another Tuesday to a very irate girl who was the favorite chew toy of Fate. Naturally it was her continued survival that annoyed the dragon enough to provoke an attempt on her life. The beast actually snarled, its facade breaking entirely as it became incensed enough by the still living ape that it had thought died so wonderfully under its claws. Then, it inhaled and spat out a concentrated ball of roiling and explosive toxins as it had before at the girl- though this time at five times the size. "...Figures..." The half-girl said blandly as she saw the thing heading her way, still too weak to defend or dodge the attack. Muttering under her breath, the girl closed her eyes and hoped for the best, though even she knew that the very thought of surviving was pushing it with her ki so weak at the moment.