[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQkj9bZBBjA]Long Winter[/URL] [hider=Caged Bird][img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/216/4/9/snowcrash_by_lmorse-d7tn8a8.jpg[/img][/HIDER] [u]Location: Unknown[/u] [u]Time/Date: Unknown/Unknown[/u] [u]Team: Fireteam Juliet - Conglomerate of Selected First and Second Years[/u] Varren had watched it all. The bird taking the hit straight to the cabin, leaving the passengers to gravity’s will, everything happened in a split second before his eyes. In the short amount of time he had chosen to close them, the transport had wound crashed into a dense forest. A trail of flattened snow laid in the helicopter’s wake, accompanied by a few crushed trees and a cloud of smoke ascending from the engines. The boy groaned in pain as he woke up, he stretched out his arms in hopes that it would ease the stress. Though his mind was too foggy to control his body, and he ended up leaning out of the opened bay. Falling shoulder-first into the snow, he let out a cry of pain, grabbing his lower leg which bursted with an uncontrallably burning sensation. [b][i]”Ow, ow, ow, ow.”[/i][/b] He complained in a hoarse voice, coughing out the impurities in his lungs, along with incessant hacking. The student tried his best to hold back tears as he pushed himself out of the cold substance, propping his back against the exterior of the helicopter. He took in short breaths and found it quite the task to circulate oxygen through his lungs. [b][i]”Painkillers… I need them.”[/i][/b] He managed to groan out, unable to operate his body with such a fuzzy mind. Varren raised his hand to the strap fastened around his shoulder. He pulled at the cloth and rested the small backpack on his lap. With narrowed eyes the student searched through the bag, pushing unneeded resources to the side until he found the base grade pills. His vision was too blurred to read the dosage, the boy ended up tapping two pills out of the bottle. It was a struggle to swallow them with a liquid lubricant, his throat felt even more dry than before. But, at least the pain was minute compared to a few moments ago. He glanced back into the bay and ran his arm across the floor of the heli, finally wrapping his fingers around his K30. Despite the still throbbing pain, he dragged the rifle out of the bird and pulled back on the charging bolt. After surmounting the strength to stand up, he lethargically rose and let out another set of gripes, [b][i]”What happened…?”[/i][/b] Something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. The cyanic-colored cuffs of a pants leg, next to the tail of the helicopter. Blown by the faint gusts of wind, the remainder of the body rested on the other side of the exterior. [i]”I’ll check on this one first, then I’ll help out those inside of the [b]Eagle[/b].”[/i] He hopefully thought to himself as he limped over to the end of the helicopter, stopping before the pair of shoes, [b][i]”Are you alright? We have to continue with our mission, don’t want the other teams to fight them on their ow-”[/i][/b] The words froze in his throat, stuck to the interior of his larynx. He was unable to muster or conjure the rest of his statement, as he was left speechless by the sight before him. The eyes which stared at him blankly, never to blink again. The uniform which was torn and desecrated. The pale hands which were dug into the blanket of snow. Varren stood there with his mouth agape, finally managing to push some form of a sound out. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWoReDeZGzU&list=UUOdHvNHVub1kzZA2Rzjj5Lg]Today:[/URL] Varren failed to hold back a yawn, cuffing a hand over his mouth as he let the sound roll off of his tongue. [b][i]”Man, I’m tireeeeeeed.”[/i][/b] The boy pouted with a frown sinking on his face. He took another sip of the beverage, allowing the effects of the coffee to take action at a subtle rate. Out of boredom, he began to skim through the weapon designs his father had sent him, noting any faults he spotted whilst doing so. He kept a somewhat not so thrilled expression on his face as he moved from one blueprint to another, [i]”So these are what buyers are into nowadays? Gah, the market is too damn conformative. Needs some diversity.”[/i] He thought critically, knowing that his critiquing would not be taken seriously for a while. Not until he acquired a certification, had a meritable background, and inherited the family name and its business. Finishing up the analysis of the last diagram, he composed his notes and exported them to his father. Glancing up from his wrist-device, he stared longingly at the empty seats surrounding him. With glimpses of the people around him, Varren fully realized one of the struggles of a first year; Finding devoted friends. Or, any socially worthy individuals in general, for that matter. The students sitting at the table nearby looked more experienced, battle-hardened, as if they’ve already had the succulent taste of combat. He let out a sigh, deep in thought of his own capabilities, [b][i]”...Hey, can I grow stronger as well?”[/i][/b] Yinyues muttered in a hushed voice. The student sighed as he returned his gaze to the seat opposite of his, which was now filled by a familiar individual. The boy smiled happily, [b][i]”Hey Lilith! What’d you think of the opening ceremony? I didn’t expect the headmaster to have such a character. I was expecting something more… laid back and formal.”[/i][/b] He had to restrain himself from bombarding the girl with questions and opinions. Though it was easy to tell that it was an arduous task to hide such overflowing ebullience. He analyzed her facial complexion with the assistance of the now brighter lighting. Varren finally noticed the fatigue in her eyes and instantly took action. [b][i]”Be right back.”[/i][/b] The boy was gone and back in a flash, with a steamy cup of coffee in hand. [b][i]”Erm, I added some cream and a pinch of sugar, just in case you aren’t used to the stuff. Wouldn’t want you to have a kidney failure by ingesting pure coffee, eh~?”[/i][/b] The boy joked as he leaned forward over the table, placing the drink in front of her. Quickly taking into account that his scarf had almost fallen into her beverage, his hands flew to the edges and tightened it, ending in him sighing out of relief. The boy looked like he just dodged a life-threatening incident, he chuckled and sat back down in his seat. [i]”She looks like a normal human. Can’t pinpoint anything as of yet. She hasn’t completely smiled, so elongated canines could be a possibility.”[/i] Nowadays, a book could not be judged by its cover, sometimes it was unable to even be perceived by its internal contents. One deduction or hypothesis could be completely wrong until proven otherwise. He tipped back his own cup and took another gulp of the ground colored drink, [b][i]”Well, I hope this year will be a good one…”[/i][/b]