Shen Huanglong The Boy Who "Figured Out" Modern Ettiquette --- As Shen stood in his spot, having his minor panic attack, a brilliant thought occurred to him. He needed not to observe modern folk interact, but rather, he could take lessons from the headmaster! Sentient gem or not, obviously the headmaster must have elite social acumen, far more than he himself had! The memory of the silent awe (or to be accurate, disbelief) of the student body was merely a testament to the respect his skills commanded. Yes, truly he was the greatest genius of the Huanglong family, to so easily insert himself in modern society. Granted that wasn't including the servants (and some family members) that went out into the outside world once in a blue moon and returned with food and amenities and such, but... Whatever, that didn't matter. Now to find a person to speak to! Shen turned around a few times, surveying the students. There were certainly a lot of choices - definitely a lot of orcs - but he didn't really want to interact with an older sort. He'd overheard some talk about how first years like himself were generally frowned upon, and thus didn't want to impose on them and incite their wrath. The Asian mage put his hand to his chin in thought. Perhaps merely standing in place, watching for someone wasn't such a proactive idea, even with his newfound skills. So he'd have to hunt around then! Shen prowled through the crowds of people, looking for students that seemed as out of place as he was. Until finally the young man caught sight of a girl with a large, metal... thing on her back and white, winged hair dragging another girl with similar equipment but less white hair. They wore uniforms of some sort, not the school's though. The flag looked like that... USA place, and the other was... No idea. Their stuff looked cool, and it was definitely something he hadn't seen before. So he went over his mental checklist. Obviously new? Check. .. Actually, that was really his only prerequisite. Fancy that. Shen nodded to himself. [i]'Time to do as the elder of this modern world did,'[/i] he thought as he marched on over in front of the two girls. He stopped before them and tried to remember back to what their headmaster had said to introduce himself... No, no, he couldn't say [i]that[/i], they were obviously in his age range. ...but he [i]could[/i] say [i]that[/i]. Though truth be told, he had no idea what it meant... "What are your, as you say, three sizes?" Shen asked innocently, with a determined look on his face. Yes, [i]perfect.[/i] No hesitation whatsoever. Truly, his ancestors must be smiling down at his skill.