[b]Saber[/b] "What?!" The creature had survived? It had devoured the undead creature... another reason that forcing the dragon to obey afters its demise had been a terrible decision, though this one for practical reasons rather then her previous moral objections. Through doing so, it had knitted its damaged flesh and repaired its body, and evolved... become a golden beast far more likely to be thought of as a dragon. But there was little time for shock and surprise. The air was choked with the foul black mist, and surely it was hazardous to the others... The light around her invisible blade faded, leaving the weapon's indiscernible shape to remain. In this state, it could be anything. It could even be a club. However... there was no need to hide Excalibur any longer. Invisible Air could serve a much more immediate purpose then a cloak to hide her sword. Saber's eyes narrowed, and she raised the hazy form. Acting quickly, this was what was necessary. A tremor rose through the misty shape, and then suddenly the cloak around it erupted outwards. There was a vast rushing of air, tossing Saber's dress and hair about in the wind, and blowing the thick black miasma away, clearing the immediate area! And, so released, Invisible Air no longer hid the form of the blonde knight's weapon. It was one of few swords befitting of such a figure. One had broken, long ago... and as such, this was what remained. Yes, there was a sword inseparable from King Arthur, the King of Knights. For this was none other than Excalibur, the Sword of Promised Victory. The silvery blade gleamed even without the aid of sunlight. It was a divine sword, a peerless weapon forged by fairies. Saber's armored hands tightened on the hilt, and she swung it back, the blade gleaming as it pointed behind her. Speed, speed was of the essence. Speed and power. The dragon was not focused on her... it had to be stopped. Golden light bathed the blade of Excalibur, swathing it once more in prana that burned like fire. However, the purpose this time was not simply to enhance damage dealt by the sword. The brilliant light flared up dramatically, and suddenly the small knight was lifted off her feet! Saber burst forward, rushing lower over the ground as the prana served as a rocket, helping to keep the dark mist away with the current of air rushing around her. Within inches of the golden dragon, Saber gave a strong swing upwards with Excalibur, the magical energies surging and flaring around it! --- [b]Jakuzure Nonon[/b] ... Oh what the hell?! Why was this thing still alive?! Whoever brought that disgusting undead thing was to blame, it'd eaten it and gotten all... all... well at least it looked more like a dragon now. But that really, really wasn't a good thing. Nonon stuck her tongue out in disgust. It was coming closer, too, heading right for the redhead who'd gotten slammed down so hard... Why did the idiot have to try and hit the thing with her fists? She didn't look like she had some kind of enhancement, though Nonon guessed she had something if she hurt the dragon like she did. Before it turned all golden and stuff. Damn it, things had just gotten so much worse now. Well... this thing was just gilded, wasn't it?! That wasn't real glamour and fanciness! It had been a horrible dark thing up until now, and that's what it was on the inside! "Your performance is overstaying its welcome!" she snapped, producing her baton and twirling it once before pointing it at the golden dragon. "So how about we just [i]KILL YOU YOU GAUDY PIECE OF SHIT![/i]" With the start of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mVW8tgGY_w]Fur Elise[/url], two pink laser hearts erupted from Nonon's shoulder cannons, before slamming together in front of her, meeting in a single giant laser heart. Pastel blue musical notes swirled around the giant heart as it fired in a single, heart-shaped beam, tearing towards the dragon!