Alika sighed and stopped Elena from dragging her. "Do you mind not dragging me around like that?" Though before Elena could respond a young Asian man approached them. He wore very traditional looking clothing and had a behind times feeling from the way he carried himself. Alika smirked, thinking of the movie tropes of the wise old man in the mountain that he reminded her of. Until he spoke. "What are your, as you say, three sizes?" he asked the most straightforward, straight faced way one could ever possibly manage. There was at least three minutes of silence before Elena suddenly busted out laughing. She could barley get a word before she finally could complete a sentence. "HAHAH! I'll, he he, I'll leave you two be. He's a really good catch Alika, Do svidaniya! HAH HA" she chuckled as she walked away, leaving poor Alika Alika faced palmed and shook her head. "Okay okay, err..... Listen, hotshot, I'm going to explain to you what that means, and then your going to tell me whether that's what you think it means." She then adjusted the strap of her weapon, drawing attention to it. "Your answer will decide whether you have a future or not. Now then. When one asks a lady, such as myself 'What are your three sizes?' They are directly asking for the size of... the breasts, the waist, and the hips. In other words, being very sexually disrespectful to a lady. Now then...." she paused for a moment, composing herself. She then stared intensely at the mage. "Was that your intention?" --- By the time Elena had made it out of the school, she was only chuckling now. "Ahh... It will be no wonder if that boy makes it out alive! Now then... to find comrade....." She began to scan the courtyard for potential when she saw an orc with a chainsaw. "Well... if life was all this easy, I would be millionaire!" When she approached, she realized that he had no idea on how to operate this. Giving a sad sigh in disappointment she walked right next to the orc. "Comrade, here here." She said as she suddenly pulled the chainsaw from the unsuspecting orc. "I show you, da? Da. You take on hand and hold handle, da? Den you take other and hold dis small handle on cord like dis. Da? Da. Den you yank da cord like..... so!" with that she gave a strong pull then quickly let go, starting the engine of the chainsaw. The tool whirled and sputtered before loudly growling to life. Yelling over the noise, Elena continued her one-sided lesson. "You then take the teeth edge and cut what you want with it." she said swinging it to demonstrate. Turning off the machine she held it sideways for the orc to see. "See? Da teeth are on this chain, which rotates around the body at high speeds, allowing it to cut through tough materials like wood. Very efficient! The engine here powers the machine. Dis button here turns it off and pulling dis cord turns it on." "I am Elena Akulova, an enhanced human of earth, particularly, Mother Russia! Nice to meet you!" she finally finished, holding out the chainsaw to the orc, smiling.