Gwyn tried to take into account the attacks of the others while also reacting in a timely manner herself. She watched as the others prepared to attack themselves and aimed the blade at the tip of her weapon towards the Basilisk. She fired off the chakram-like boomerang, immediately latching her eyes onto the spinning object as it propelled it's way towards the serpentine creature's face. The boomerang appeared to divide in two and split itself into a pair of identical boomerangs. The chakram divided three more times, creating a total of five. The boomerangs began to move towards the areas that Nevin had indicated the Basilisk used to attack. One continued spinning towards the face; more specifically, the mouth area. A second one targeted on the tail while the remaining three began moving towards the Basilisk's claws. There was a hope of injury sustained to the serpent on her part, but distracting it so at least one of the others could land a hit was something that she hoped for as well.