Jared got about halfway up the stairs when he heard screams coming from inside. Well, that certainly wasn't a good sign. The shouts belonged to men, though, so it was the figures who were in danger and not necessarily the Queen. That was good news... sort of. He personally preferred if no one died, to be honest, but at least the attackers were the ones getting what they deserved. When the palace doors swung open, Jared stopped. He had to dive to the side to avoid being trampled over by a short mustachioed man and his crossbow-armed pair bodyguards as they barreled outside and down the stairs. Of course, this being a narrow stairway, Jared didn't exactly have anywhere to dive to, so he had to quickly summon his Keyblade and jam it into the side of the ice just give himself something to hold on to. He'd only just managed to climb back back up when something else burst from the doors. It was kind of like a snowman, only the size of an adult human, but snow and ice quickly gathered around it, piling on top of the thing until it became [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140128224637/disney/images/0/02/Marshmallow_%28Frozen%29.png]monstrous in size[/url]. Jared blinked and instinctively ducked as the monster made a giant leap halfway down the stairs. As soon as it hit, the ice behind it cracked. Jared's eyes widened expectantly and he scrambled up the remainder of the steps as the stairs crumbled behind him. He reached the safety of the top, but realized he had no way of getting down to help his friends fight this giant. "You guys get the Princess out of here!" he shouted down to his friends, "Don't worry about the Queen, just leave that to me!" after that he turned and entered through the icy doors. Once inside, he saw broken pieces of glass all over the floor of what was likely an ante chamber of sorts, and he spotted a [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140131115340/frozen/images/9/95/Elsa-Frozen.png]lady in a blue dress[/url] about to run away into another room, but she stopped when she heard the doors and turned to see Jared. Despite her eyes being teary and ready to cry, she had an angry look on her face. "How many times do I have to tell you people to leave. Me. ALONE!" on the last word she thrust out her hand and a snowy energy burst forth and flew right at Jared, who thrust his Keyblade up defensively, catching the icy magic onto the blade before fling it aside. This seemed to surprise the girl, "What? What are you?" "Wait, it's okay!" Jared said, dismissing the Keyblade so he could be unarmed, "I don't know what those three guys did, but I swear I'm not with them. I just want to take you home to the kingdom, that's all." "And just why should I believe you? And even if I did, what if I don't want to go back?" she retorted coldly. "You don't understand, I came here with - look out!" Jared was interrupted and sprang forward, re-summoning the Keyblade and striking down a small Heartless that appeared behind the girl who could only be Queen Elsa. "What did you - Ah!" Elsa pointed to where Jared had stood. More Heartless appeared, mostly the same small black ones and small armored ones that had attacked Lunaris, "What are they?" "Heartless, Your Majesty." responded Jared, putting himself between Elsa and the creatures, "And it looks like they're blocking our only exit. I hope you can use that magic of yours to fight, 'cause I think we're gonna need it." [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjAdnP7xu-g]Mid Boss (Party) - Snow Giant Mid Boss (Jared and Elsa) - Heartless Swarm[/url]