Fern and company, if you've plot ideas or future story developments, float something my way and we'll see if we can't incorporate them. I've already started a rich stew with Nevis, Romaneck, and Ivory and more ideas can only enhance it's delicacy! Glad Adrianna has finally issued her debute, Konica! Keep developing your post and adding a new perspective to the story. Ahhhh … during an earlier Altaea roleplay story, I once remember collaborations with another writer who sought to achieve a similar vibe to Adrianna's personality. Additionally, his character's ambitions were much more underhanded and had he worked through a botched story collaboration, there would've been several interesting developments within the storyline preceding Age of Revolution. Unfortunately, he lost his temper as some premature, hot-headed writers do and fell off the wagon before we even gave Valania and its characters a chance. If you want to know the details, Konica, Romaneck; float me a PM and I'll forward my notes for some … ahhh … [i]verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry[/i] interesting plot hooks to incorporate and with your help, we can breath more life into the world 8) Peik, keep writing and let me just refine my finished post! I'll be sure to make passing references so that Korkud's own activities becomes integral to the conflict in Voltas. On a side note, when and if [b]Anderan[/b] arrives, let's welcome him in open arms, shall we?