[u][b]Real World[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Avangeline Taylor. [b]Birthday: [/b] March 13th 2040 [b]Appearance: [/b] [img=http://www.rpgbooster.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Nuclear-Snail-Studios-Post-Apocalyptic-and-Dark-Future-Art-Girl-Gas-mask.png] [b]Occupation: [/b] Engineer. [i] This entails some very minor hacking skills, programming, machinery knowledge and an understanding in circuits and electrics.[/i] [b]Biography: [/b] The war was bad, of course it was, nukes, gunfire, shit there wasn’t a day that went by that she didn’t think she’d be blown sky high. People died, good people, people she’d known, innocent people that didn’t want part of this stupid fucking war. She had seen the beginning, the first bombs, the day her neighbours house disappeared in a crater and even their dog was nothing but a smudge on the landscape. What got her though wasn’t the bombs, she was five, five years old and the world had fallen to shit, just as she was able to comprehend the world it showed its ugly side, everyone likes to think the civilians all held hands and sang campfire songs to keep up moral but they didn’t. Wars needed things and if you weren't’ a soldier you were expendable resources, most of the people she knew and loved were made to work the farms to feed the soldiers, a couple went to labs and were never seen again and she and some of the other kids were frog marched down to the engineers, their they ran a gauntlet to fix broken tanks, trucks, artillery weapons, to clean out areas filled with radiation. To clear vents and reattach broken cables, average life span for a rat ( the term for the kods who worked here) three years, just like a rat. She saw an uglier side of war in the mazes of tunnels and electronic works than she ever had as a ‘civilian’. She watched kids lose limbs, get electrocuted, die from liaisons and boils due to radiation exposure and the bodies? Taken out back where a mass pit burned night and day and there they were thrown like garbage on a rubbish heap. That sort of thing scars a child for life and she was no damn different but she swore she’d survive this much, the adults didn’t deserve to be the only oens who survived after all. Despite all odds she did survive until the end of the war, unscathed save burns and a few scars. All the same though her family didn’t, or they didn’t come back one of the two. So one of the engineers kept her, his own daughter, Avaengeline, had died in one of the first missile strikes, she looked a lot like her too, and so she adopted Avangeline’s name and life, losing her old one in the fading radiation. Apparently they had had it lucky, the bombs hadn’t fallen this far and her new father took her from place to place, finding jobs they could do, ideas they could try and salvaging scraps until that town had run dry or sickness set in and they were on the move again. When the Council finally took over her ‘father’ and her were employed as Engineers to keep the new city up and running, everything from fixing the lights that lit the city to keeping the signal towers up and running. It was good work, work that could pay well and while it was safer than the job of a Rat in the war it was still dangerous. Her father, due to old age and shaking hands, lost his life when he accidentally touched a life cable, as his ‘official’ heir she took his place and spends her life on the roofs or in the sewers of the new cities still a rat but a free rat. [u][b]Dust Persona[/b][/u] [b]Alias:[/b] Ghost [b]Style of Play:[/b] Rogue. A cross between a thief and hunter, she uses her speed, stealth and dexterity to follow a target without giving herself away and uses a combination of 'magic' snaring, daggers and for long range a bow, to take down her targets. She avoids fights she knows she can't win but isn't above using toxins to even the playing field for someone else. What is unseen in the picture is she is in fact an Enlightened. Appearance:[img=http://therattsnest.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Whynn-Ravin-2.jpg]