Evon nodded having understood his words completely. She knew that he hadn’t forgotten his wife, perhaps he was still sore about it as well since the topic was hard to bring up. Nonetheless she was fine with the way things were, yes her parents had hoped that they would be a couple to ease Mathias’ loneliness and Evon’s worries, but that was handled now despite them not being a couple so there was no reason to be upset about it. Except she was a little, she was beginning to like the man and knowing that he was having trouble moving on did make her wonder if he ever would. She didn’t want her feelings to develop but avoiding him would be obvious and he would get lonely again. “Thanks for telling me though, I understand why I was sent to you,” she mentioned guessing that her age wasn’t exactly a huge factor like she thought it originally was. Her eyes went straight out the window when he slowed down, the road slimmed down as well as she glanced outside seeing a lot of greenery. “Are we lost?” she asked softly wondering if this was the right path. She had expected another mansion since Mathias seemed to have enjoyed the luxury life. But instead she saw an old looking garage. Mathias had figured that he’d let her see for herself if they were lost since he hadn't replied. Once they were in she was surprised to see how well kept it was on the inside. It was modern and honestly resembled nothing like it had on the outside. Finally Mathias had explained to her their location and she nodded in understanding why it had looked the way it did on the outside. “So we’ll be staying here for the day?” she asked sounding almost eager to explore. It probably had really nice looking rooms if the garage was this good. Once they were outside she spotted the other vehicles, guessing that the rest were already here. "I can't wait to see Mary," she mentioned before spotting the elevator.