Risty's lips pursed as the Defective Alliance transport shuttle that had taken her to Frontier 60 landed just in front of the entrance. The warped, almost useless looking metal and broken concrete walls looked, to her, something taken straight from a Deep Colony. She had been expecting that in the last seven years the Defective Alliance would have been able to build -something- that looked better than the shithole she had been trained in. No wonder her brother had contacted her - If this was the best the Defective Alliance had, they'd need the best the galaxy had to offer. Thankfully for them, as far as she was concerned, she [u][i][b]was[/b][/i][/u] the best mechanic that the galaxy had to offer. The Shuttle doors opened, and the two heavily [url=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/155/1/5/da_by_hokunin-d67v9ij.jpg] armed and armored[/url] guards assigned to her by her brother rose from their seats in the shuttle seconds after she did, flanking either side of her. Her brother, Rear Admiral Eugen Garce had assigned two of his best soldiers to make sure that she didn't change her mind at the last minute, and return to The Strontium Serpents, leaving The Medusa without a mechanic who knew what she was doing. [i]"The Medusa. Good name for a Strontium Serpent vessel. Might just see about stealing it, when this is over."[/i] She thought, smiling softly to herself - Although the smile vanished when the guard to her right handcuffed her hands behind her back to prevent her from trying anything. "What... Fuckin' Seriously?" She demanded, but the guard remained silent, both of their faces hidden from view by their helmets. "Get moving." The other ordered her after a moment. She ignored him, and continued to glare at the one who had handcuffed her. After a minute, the one on her right nodded slightly, and they both grabbed her by her upper arms, and dragged her off the shuttle, and through the entrance of Frontier 60. They marched her right up to the receptionist, who Risty noticed was trembling in fear, and staring at her telephone, as if it might explode at any second. [i]"Strange. Usually people hear my name, or, at the very least, see my tattoos before they start cowering."[/i] She mused. One of the guards coughed into his fist, getting the receptionist's attention. "My name is Risty Garce, I'm here for the Medusa mission." After a second of the receptionist staring at her tattoos, the receptionist blinked, and then pointed towards the cafeteria. With a slight nod, the guards led her to the cafeteria, and then to the table where two women were sitting. They forced her to sit at a bench next to a red haired woman, handed a file with her name on it in big red letters to the raven haired woman, and then turned and walked off, leaving her hands cuffed behind her back. "What... What the fuck? You stupid fucking cocksuckers, what do you expect me to do? Fucking make a run for it? Not fucking likely!" She shouted at them, electing no response from either of the two soldiers as they walked towards the exit, leaving the cafeteria, and heading towards the shuttle to transport her gear onto the Medusa. Risty hung her head for a moment, and then sighed. "Fucking Hell..." She muttered as she looked at the red haired woman she had been sat next to. "If you don't mind - I have a key to get out of this sort of thing in my right front pocket.... Mind getting it for me?" She asked, grinning at her. "Names Risty Garce, the mechanic. I'm guessing you are Caelum, the pilot?" She asked the raven haired woman. "Those assholes got your message, but they were a little busy making sure I wouldn't run off - Although I agreed to the mission, so I'm not really sure why my brother had them tag along to begin with..."