[img=http://iwallpaper.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Alluka.Zoldyck.full_.997066.jpg] Mariangela "Mary" Zerachiel 17 Mary was a normal girl, on the outside at least. She had friends, not a whole bunch but she had friends. Mary worked at a bakery with her family. She was an only child so she was treated like a slave rather than a child. Mary was forced to do the hard work, but she never let her pain show. One night a figure broke into Mary's home and slaughtered her parents before killing her. [url=http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/648942747/Model-cosplay-toy-font-b-sword-b-font-PU-font-b-anime-b-font-font-b.jpg]Demogorogn[/url] Feign any emotion, control insects, turn into shadows Black dress with a white apron I came from hell...