[center][b]Dagny[/b][/center] [i]"DAGNY! You fucking bitch. Didn't think you'd have the smarts to actually pass your third year. I haven't forgotten last year mate. I should kick your ass right here and now."[/i] Almost instantly, her pupils elongated to mimic that of a lizard and her head whipped around to find the source of the noise, her teeth bared into a smirk as smoke filtered out between them. Another fourth year, she noticed, and his name came to her easily enough. "JoJo! You're just in time. I was looking for a pussy to pound," she mocked, dropping her bags in the snow as she rolled her broad shoulders. She wasn't one to back down from a challenge, especially one so blatant and public. "C'mere and say that to my face," she challenged, remembering he tended to play ranged on the battle field. That wasn't quite her forte, and she often had to struggle not to look down on those who couldn't get into the heart of a battle. To further her point, she smacked her right fist into her left palm, her throat glowing as if she was trying not to barf up lava. These bodily reactions were clear signs that even though she talked confidently enough, she was (literally) boiling with anger at the other student's audacity to call [i]her[/i] out. Of all people.