[quote=Hank] How on earth did you have a problem with Ming-Hua's water arms? It's one of the more creative bending applications I've seen on the show. [/quote] ^ This. It's probably one of the best applications of waterbending I've ever seen, second only to bloodbending. And honestly? I think all four of those Red Lotus benders had pretty sweet designs, as well as awesome uses for bending. I love the proper introduction lava bending got, as well. I think it was very loosely alluded to in the original series, but we really haven't seen it at all since, nor do I think it ever had a real name associated with it. It's a really cool ability though. I mean, it's a type of earthbending, but it has the fluidity of waterbending and the heat of firebending, which is a pretty sweet combination. Also, Combustion Woman. [i]Yes.[/i] But yeah, season 3 was pretty kickass. I mean, season 2 sort of sucked (with the exception of the very end), but that's sort of understandable since the writers didn't have very much time to plan it and didn't really know what they were doing. The majority of it felt like filler that they tossed down so that they could at least focus on creating a good ending. By the time season 3 happened, though, it felt like they'd finally found their groove, and it really shows. The first couple episodes of season 4 are out now as well, by the way, and it's kind of an awesome start to the series. o.o