[quote=EldritchOne] I may join to bring the olden terror of the fae back into the world, back when they were good old Oh yeah Kappa, you may want to reconsider using the Banshee as a separate spirit creature, technically she is one of the fae from what I remember of Gaelic mythology. Maybe you could say she is a rare type nips into two categories, after all from what I understand, whenever humans try and put things in boxes they are swiftly unraveled upon close inspection as they are often tangled amongst each other like old tree roots. [/quote] I know that they are of the Gaelic/Celtic mythology, but they are not magical power houses which is what the Fae are. A Valkyrie isn't a Demon either, but she fits what characterizes a "Demon". The classes are not to explain their origin, but what they can do.