[quote=MissCapnCrunch] Hadley commented, nodding and giving a warm smile to the both of them; though only Alex can see it.Py's last comment had made Hadley feel uneasy, and her glance to Alex could probably probably show that bluntly. Letting a small nervous laugh escape from her throat she moved some of the chairs out of the way before placing Py's hand on her shoulder as they had done when they first entered the building. she announced, walking now slowly back to the music room with Py behind her and Alex at her side. [/quote] "Ahahaha! I certainly like your sense of humor" Py laughed heartily at Hadley's comment regarding the next activity. They arranged themselves like before with Hadley gently placing his hand on her shoulder. He shook a bit from her certain movement she surely learnt fast. He placed himself such that there was a comfortable distance between them so he won't eavesdrop on their whispers should they choose to leave him out of conversation after his last comment. The fact they weren't alarmed after his comment meant they were strong, kind hearted people who even cared for a plebian like him. "It maybe rude but how old are both of you." Pyktis asked as they began moving.