Emma stared down at her feet and sighed. Should she tell him the truth? Slowly, she looked up at him, her face grim. "The king and queen... my parents." She said, quickly looking away. "My name isn't Laura, it's Emma..." She said quietly. She couldn't believe she just told a complete stranger, but she needed away and right now he was her only hope. She felt a pain in her chest when she told him she was running from her parents, she missed them terribly, but she had to. It was just too risky staying there. When he said he was concerned, she looked back up at him. Aren't pirates suppose to have zero feelings for others? "I'm not in trouble.... welll.." She stopped and looked away. "Only in trouble with the Evil Queen... or Regina." She said and turned to face him. "It was nothing I did.. except for being born." Emma frowned. "She's after my mother, and to get to her she's going to get to me- apparently I'm the only one who can stop her, not sure how...." She said, sighing. "Don't worry- your good guy side is safe with me." She said, smiling at him. "Anyways- is that a yes or now?" She asked, batting her lashes at him as she stepped closer to him. "I'll return the favor." She said playfully.