Seclusion looked to him a moment her mismatched eyes searching between the black curtains that hid them from view. She nodded "I know but like you should remember I don't have the best relationship with their kind…and I still hate them for what they did…" she said in her usual tone but her hand was shaking a little as it held onto his, something was bothering her. She thought it was nothing but it was causing her to be more nervous than she normally would be. She squeezed his hand a little and let him take the lead knowing she was safe with him… at least she wasn't alone anymore. Seclusion slowly managed to calm her nerves and once they were standing opposite the slitheen she could smell their foul stench. She hid her wings carefully to ensure she wouldn't be spotted and for once relied on the Doctor more than usual just to keep herself calm and to keep them from noticing as well.