[center][b]Loreal[/b][/center] “That’s a good way to stay positive,” Loreal commented as he expressed his apathy toward dorm choice. “I like the top floors…” She looked up at the building as they grew closer to it and then blinked at his inquiry about baby griffons. “Well, Saxons is quite proud and overconfident,” the elf explained. “He’ll probably be much like Mr. Feathers when he’s older, but right now he’s just a bundle of fire.” She laughed a bit at the thought of her baby griffon growing to be so serious and noble. As a person named Dagny was getting called out by another student, Loreal looked over to the scene, eyes widened a bit. “Not…often,” she answered. “But it’s a school for warriors-in-training, you know. It’s bound to happen every now and again. It’s best to stay out of it—a professor will break it up soon, I bet. Probably before it starts.” With so many types of students and technology, allowing a fight get out of hand could be catastrophic. “C’mon,” she prompted, leading him the rest of the way and into the dorms. She pressed the arrow facing up on the elevator and waited until it opened to say, “You can just drop the bags inside. I should be able to manage once I’m on the right floor. And thank you so much, again!” {{Sorry if this feels a little powerplay-y, Norix. There's a time skip coming up in a couple hours and GMs want characters to have picked out their dorms ASAP.}}