It's a beautiful fall day, and the sun is shining through the club room windows. Outdoors students can be heard busily running off to their various classes and activities. Birds outside are singing, and a warm breeze blows through the tress. A perfect opening day for the anime club! Koji laid back on the floor, blankly staring up at the ceiling, "I wonder if anyone will show up...". He had put up signs around the school giving some information on the club and when the first official meeting would be held. In preparation of the meeting, Koji had laid out a pile of various manga on the table along with a handful of different snacks. Chips, pocky, candies, he had really put an effort into getting ready. The meeting was to be held at 3:00, and the clock had just hit 2:55. "I shouldn't worry about it too much, I'm sure people will come, it's not even three yet". Koji yawned, he hadn't been able to sleep at all last night, he was a bit stressed out about starting a new club. "Maybe... a quick na..." in a matter of seconds he had passed out on the club room floor.