[quote=YamiCuoreLaroux] Kyo picked his tablet up from the table and started to lead Katherin out of the dining room, following Nerox's lead until he gestured them forward. He started back towards the stairs to get back to the music room, taking them slowly so he could make sure that Katherin wouldn't have any trouble with them. [/quote] Nerox walk in and was going to sit down until he saw something in the piano? He went to investigate and found Erza, what seemed to be disassembling the piano. "what the hell are you doing!?" Erza looked up and then back down and answered " I'm tweaking the strings so that the kinetic energy will be strong enough to launch a projectile out of the casing when F sharp is played as well making enough energy to cause the piano wheels to spin counterclockwise creating a forward movement. " He explained. "um.......Kyo can you come and tell me what this kid is saying?" Nerox asked.