a dead body was lying down on the ground with a knife stuck in his throat...... all of a suddenly the corpse sprung to life and pulled the knife out of his neck and gasped then clutched his throat [ugh what happened? is that a knife in my throat!] the dead person was me of course my name is altair and this is my story altair stood for a while and then had a big pain in his head [i am altair] altair walked around and noticed a ruined mansion [galard he must die,whoever he is] when altair thought of his name he was filled with rage [hes responsible for this! its his fault! he must die!] altair screamed out of rage and got angry [where the heck am i! maybe this galard guy has answers!] altair wandered around for a bit trying to find out who he was and then noticed a man [hes galard i know he is HE MUST PAY!] and then ran up to him and raised his knife in the air and ran at galard attempting to stab him in the head [altair has a big hatred for galard because of what he did to him in his past life but altair doesn't really remember anything due to being resurrected as a vampire]