Rin stood up as she heard her king call her name loudly. She picked up Kouki from the ground and mentally winced as she did so, she adjusted him so he was on her back for a piggy back ride, "Please hold onto me," she stated calmly but without emotion. The red clans member looked at Ayano. "We will take care of him. You are overstaying your time in the red territory. You may come with us and speak to Shu but he will probably not be that happy." The clansmen said as Rin and him walked towards the bar. When they arrived Rin walked inside and set Kouki on the sofa in the bar. "Please go tell King that I am in here." Rin asked her fellow clansmen. He nodded and headed outside and up to Shu. "The princess is inside the bar King." He said simply bow slightly to his King. Rin went to the back of the bar and got the first aid kit. She came back and got out bur cream. She gently applied it to his leg burns and then wrapped the burns with gauze and wrap. She then gently wrapped his wrist in sports wrap to support it for the time being. Rin then poured some child pain medicine into the small measuring cup making sure to have the right amount for someone Kouki's age. "Please drink this. It will help with the pain." Rin said setting the cup in front of him before cleaning up the first aid kit and putting it away. She returned and sat down across from him in a chair. As Rin waited for Shu she rolled up one of her sleeves slightly revealing the burn the boy had transfered over to her. Rin quickly covered it back up. She'd deal with her pain later. For now the young strain in front of her would have her full attention.