[b]Scarlett - Baton Rouge - Tyler/Liam/Katie/Jacob[/b] Scarlett kept quiet as the men argued, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to herself. What if she told them she did have a group? Would the men force her to take them to her imaginary group? And if she told them she didn't have a group? The thought was quickly pushed away as she heard the man that had gotten in between them had a daughter. [i] 'Maybe they aren't so bad'[/i] a small voice in the back of her head told her, trying to make Scarlett relax. "Yes.... Just passing through." She shot a glance at the man in the back say what the probability of their group getting bigger would be and for a fraction of a second, thanked god Samantha wasn't around. Even with the situation at hand, Sam would have rolled her eyes and made a snide comment, maybe calling him Captain Obvious. Scarlett knew better than to risk her life with a group of strangers. "I.... I don't have a group. I'm sorry to disappoint. My sister and I were taken by some.... men.... I came looking for supplies and hoping that I might find her." She frowned slightly and stood up straight, her hands now by her sides. Now that they knew she was alone, would it change their opinion about her? With one hand, she reached up to her face and wiped the couple of tears that had ran down her face, the other hand staying near her blade.