Hook watched her, reading her as best as a pirate could. Somewhere in his heart, he felt like she was telling the truth. He scoffed, "Emma." He smiled slyly, "Much more fitting then Laura, i say." He glided around the table, sitting at his desk, he motioned for her to pull up a chair and sit before him. He opened a few drawers, drawing multiple things out, including a map. he began to work, brow furrowed in concentration. "Your issue with Regina may be bigger than you realize, love." He reminded her, "She's queen of the entire kingdom, and it's a fairly large kingdom. I could take you with me, on my crew, but no one is going to believe a gorgeous woman like yourself has decided to dedicate herself to a life of piracy." He paused, an idea arrived precisely then, and he nearly turned red at the thought. "However," He scoffed, "I may have a ludicrous idea that'll keep the crew from asking too many questions and keep your location safe." He looked her directly in the eye. "Will you marry me?" "I know this may sound ridiculous, but a false marriage is a perfect disguise for why you are aboard. If the crew asks either of us, it'll most likely be me, and I can handle them easily." He rubbed the bridge of his nose, knowing his sympathy would get him nowhere, but knowing their was nothing he could do now. "So, what do you say, Emma?"