Vagueness does open doors, Peik and will give us room to see more of his part of Carcassonne in addition to areas surrounding Voltas. I feel that at some point of the story, we all owe Sarife additional attention and development since I envisioned it as having a rich history alongside Valania's. Going to really enjoy Adrianna, Korkud, and Ashradar's arcs in addition to our other characters! Also, allow me to offer everyone congratulations for unlocking [i]Episode 1: Absolutum Dominium[/i]! New post's also up so take the time to enjoy the scenes and the aforementioned links to background music 8) [b]Edit:[/b] I've come to realize that I would not want to be our protagonists' enemies. Severed, pike mounted, heads, demonically executed ambushes, flawlessly accurate knives, and stupidly wealthy financial output makes my hair stand :hehe.