Levi, since the first day of college, was flooded with lots of invitations to join clubs. She wasn't going ot join any, until one really, really caught her eye. The Anime Club. She just knew she had to go and check it out, join even. She felt as if it were her duty as an otaku. After her last class, Programming Logic, she started searching for the classroom this Anime Club was going to be in. It was roughly 2:55, or something like that, as Levi strolled through the hallways. She wondered, what kind of people were going to be there? Would they be like the ones from her high school? Springing at her first thing in the morning to proclaim that the sealed power dormant in their right arms was about to go berserk? Or a more normal bunch? Either way, she didn't care, both options were entertaining in their own way. Now, what room were they in....? She continued walking until she saw another guy, kneeling down and breathing heavily... Just what is he doing? [I][B]'Wait, don't tell me!'[/B][/I] She had recognized the classroom in front of the guy kneeling down. That was the designated classroom for the Anime Club..... As expected, he turned his head and opened the door to the classroom. [B]"I just knew it."[/B] She scratches the back of her head and shakes her head. [B]"Oh, well. I may have another opportunity to act as the 'Darkness Princess'."[/B] She puts on a confident smile and walks towards the classroom. Might as well say hello to her clubmates, odd as they may be, not as if she were the most normal thing ever. Fortunately, the guy from before didn't close the door behind him. [B]"Osu! Is there someone here?"[/B] Levi said as she got into the room. The other two guys may notice that Levi has quite a nasal accent, even though she speaks fluent Japanese, adding a [I]~ssu[/I] at the end of her sentences, rather than a [I]~desu[/I], like it is more common for others. Inside the room, she saw a guy lying down in the floor and another one nudging the lying one with his foot. Really, not an scene a kouhai wants to see when she meets her senpai. [B]"Am I interrupting something? Did I mistake this Foot Fetichist Club for the Anime Club? Anyhow, since I don't wanna be rude, I'll at least give you my name. I am Asami Levi, now if you'll excuse me."[/B] She doubles back and closes the door behind her with a loud bang, double checking the number outside. It is indeed the right room. She opens up the door again. [B]"All right, now I see that this is indeed the Anime Club. I'm sorry for what I said earlier, Foot Nudging-senpai and Foot Fetichist-senpai."[/B] She said, referring to the guy who was standing and the one in the floor, respectively.