She sighed, sitting on a log. What an oaf. How could you be so careless for your allies, and so hard headed, like not an idea but his could be right. The nerve. She rampaged on in her head, but her steady appearance didn't give that away. She calmly sat with her legs crossed and hands folded in front of her. She closed her eyes, resting for a few moments. Those moments were all she got before she heard yelling again. She rocketed off the log, taking out her machetes and forming them into a bow. Using a crook on it, she ran forward, raising it up and catching it on a tree. She was yanked hard, going a full 180 before dropping her foot. It sliced off the tip of the branch she was on using the bladed part of the bow, and she jumped to the next branch. She didn't completely make it, landing, if you could even call it that. Her chest his the branch rather than her feet, and she reached out, holding onto the branch as she gasped, huffing from the exertion. "A tree's beating me." She said sourly. She didn't remember feeling this weak. [i]My allies are counting on me. There is no easy way out. Get up.[/i] She told herself, pulling up onto the branch. Her ears twitched, and she flexed her fingers. She pushed the slight bit of hair that had gotten into her eyes during that short jump out of her face and took a deep breath. [i]Go.[/i] She leapt from the tree branch, successfully making it to a further branch, then another. She stopped, looking down at Aurellius, and realized he was all alone. [i]Surely Aslin and Esprum couldn't have taken that long. . .[/i] Her senses reached out as she closed her eyes. The first thing that filled her supernatural hearing was the sound of Esprum's heavy breathing from not too far away. She heard a small cracking noise, and frowned. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good. She leapt back, stabbing her bow into the tree and using it to slow her decent. She crouched for a moment on the ground, before sprinting at full speed towards Esprum. "Esprum!" She yelled, arriving just in time to see him hit the ground. The two looked towards Nicoleta with smug grins. "Another one." One said, raising the massive two handed sword he held a bit higher. The other, with a long sword and shield, nodded to the side, and the two began to spread out to her sides. Her bow split into the two machetes and she grimaced, her entire being seeming filled with hate. She held her machetes close to her chest, blades pointing towards the ground. A short few seconds passed like minutes as they stared each other down. Within the blink of an eye, however, the two ran for Nicoleta, hoping to pin her between the two. She leapt forward, narrowly dodging the longsword. She turned, her machetes snapping together again. She took an arrow from her bag, drawing it quickly, and firing it as the Two Handed swordsman recovered. He fell, a bright light flashing from it. The man with the shield seemed unphased, bashing his shield at Nicoleta, who used her bow to try to parry the bash, however finding her arm tingling as she was thrown backwards. This man was strong, and his shield was like lead. This gave her an idea, however. She stood up straight, pulling apart the machetes. The swordsman grimaced. "You've made a mistake now, faunus. You'll not live long to regret killing my mate back there." He said, the accent far more clear in this man than the other. "Then defend, defend for your life." She said harshly, her orange aura flickering into life, weak but still persevering. Both the two rushed towards each other, like a game of chicken. Neither seemed to give in ground, and the swordsman grinned. He would hit her like a truck, he was sure. Just as it seemed they would collide, she jumped, her foot stepping on the top of the shield and forcing it down. The surprised swordsmen swung his sword at the target, however he was too close, and her machete was already in place, parrying it. The mirror machete stopped at the bone in the back of the man's neck with a horrowing clunk, and the man fell backwards, blood spurting onto Nicoleta's clothing. She ripped the machete out, her left arm falling limp from the use of the bow in the parry. She only made it halfway to Esprum before falling to her knees and eventually the ground. Blood from the man soaked into the dirt slowly, bringing about a greater form of life in plants. That was the only good thing about death. The start of new life. She pondered that, hand sprawled in Esprum's direction, however unable to make the distance fade. [i]Maybe one day, I too can bring a beautiful tree to life.[/i]