[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/xsaMX5J.png[/IMG] [b][i]"Penny, we need to get out of here now. Stay with me this time alright?" [/i] You can count on me saying with you this time. [i]"Ok Rand, this is getting super crazy..."[/i] What is that smell? That damn wolf! It better now say anything to Rand about...the mishap earlier. I can smell it following us, as long as it doesn't attack me or Rand no one has to get hurt. [i]"Rand maybe it's time to find the other people."[/i] Yeah so I can keep my eyes on them; that Connor could've been minds, if Rand never left. Now I need to keep them all together so I can know who to go for first. [i]"Do you know where they could be?[/i] My siren senses do not work in this human appearance as well. That's the only thing bad about it. [/b][/center]