[quote=Marik] Strange, it’s not even showing up for me. I’m just getting the curtains close gif as the latest page. But that doesn't even really qualify as an update honestly. Unless some real shit goes down in that gif, it's nothing to get too exited for. [/quote] It's exciting because it means that updates are finally happening again. Yes, it's one page for now, but I'm fairly certain Hussie put that up to signal that more was on the way. [i]Also[/i], at the time of posting the thread, I wasn't able to see the update. ...It is slightly disappointing that it wasn't a "real update", but, at least it's a sign of things to come. [quote=ImANargleHunter] I'm not sure what this post means like at all what are the sarcasm levels hereI just kinda hate all the "homestuck fandom rises/is back" posts because I think they're dumb. But I'm just a single person. [/quote] Is it wrong to spread the news that Homestuck is updating again? Like after a year-long Gigapause that's kind of something that I immediately feel obligated to tell all my friends about.